Tuesday 26 February 2013

Colourising and layer blending

This exercise wasn't the best piece of work I've done but I can understand why people would use this type of work with in their work, I think it was because of the images I used but Im just not to sure.
The techniques that I used when making this piece was of course using layering to build up the image its self.The equipment I used with this technique would have to be a camera of course to take the images and then I took it onto a mac which had photoshop so I could edit the images to fit into one piece. When using the techniques I didn't enjoy it as much as I do when Im drawing but none the less i still liked using something different in my work. When it came to working with the images I found it hard to get the images looking good together maybe this is because of the images I have chosen to use in my work. I would like to work with them again but only if I have some good images to work with in the piece of work and maybe a beter theme to the work. With this piece I didn't have any inspired artist in mind as it was tutail.

1 comment:

  1. When annotating experiments you should comment on the following:

    What techniques did you use?
    What materials and equipment did you use?
    Did you enjoy using these techniques?
    Did you find them hard / difficult to work with?
    Would you like to work with them again?
    Was the experiment inspired by a particular artist/designer?
