Friday 8 February 2013

In-depth analysis: Julia Pott

Julia potts

The two pieces of work that i will be analysing are done by Julia Pott who graduated from the royal college of art in 2011 and since then has won a MA in animation as she also turns some of her characters that become her artworks.She does most of her work in NY Brooklyn.

The first piece that Im looking at is called here with me. the work is a illustration but in this case she has also made a animation of it which is really cool about Julia Pott, the work was also made in 2010 so this was at the end of her last year of Uni she did this piece of work. It was made for her personal self and is on her website for sale in copes and over forms. I have chosen to research this piece because It is the artist that most relates to my brief and she also sort of tells a story with her animations and it just seems fitting to do this for my work. The scale of the work is also done in A2 size paper .he meaning behind this is that two creatures have found them selfs in a random place in the world and have also come from two different halts of the world but yet can become one and be their with each other. the work was created with pens and fine liners then after touched up on photoshop such, I can imagery the colour would be done on photoshop/ illustrator. My personal response to the work is that it is very random and straight away yu can tell that the work is done by Julia Pott.I love the randomness of the work but yet the meaning behind it to is amazing, The only thing wrong with this would have to be one of the drawings it look like it was done by a 5 year old but I understand that It was surpassed to be like this.

This second piece is called kissed.The work is grab and once again the artist is really random which is right up her street. The work was made in 2012 and once again the work is done for her own work to sell to customers and put in and on her website. The size of the work is once again A2 work so is basically a poster to promote herself and her website. The work is I believe done all on photoshop, but I can imagern her drawing the characters before hand then scaning them in and layering up the photo of the desert and sky behind it. The meaning behind this one is that when two people start being attracted to each other they never find the right moment to kiss in away. Then when you finally go out with person you say to each other their was moments when could of kissed.My personal response to this work is that it is well done and the meaning behind it is deep and is well worth the work she put in this.One thing I really like is the colour range and the techniques behind the work, the only thing wrong with this is the darkness behind it is not great and would priffer her to do happier work.Over all the two pieces of work are really good and I really like the first one called here with me, the meaning behind it is much better than the other one and is much better done in the sense of technique and style.Other all she is a great artist and I will have to keep an eye out for her work in an exhibition.

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