
3 new years resolutions:

  • To hand work in on time 
  • Make sure my work is to a level that can pass this course 
  • To work on my graphic skills.
upload some work that I havent uploaded 
Complete final net
Finsh two of the nets from the homework.

Have you collected primary visual research relating to your exam theme such as observational drawings and photographs? Are these on your blog? yes I have researched different drawings and photos and have put them on my blog.

Have you explored and developed your ideas imaginatively? How have you demonstrated this? 

Have you researched a diverse range of artwork and completed this on your blog? Who have you analysed? Is your analysis in-depth? Yes I have researched a diverse range of artwork, and have analysed it, and yes my anaysis is in-depth.

Have you experimented with a wide range of techniques both handmade and computer generated? Which techniques have you used? Yes I have used mostly handmade techniques an no computer ones, the techniques we did use was spray painting, Lino and also used paper instulation 

Have you refined / developed your outcomes through experimentation? How? yes I have by using all the techniques above in my different ideas.                             

Have you written in detail about your experiments and developments on your blog and used this information to help you improve? No not as much as I should have done.

Have you taken imaginative leaps/ shown a sense of discovery/ willingness to take risks in your work? If so how? If not, how can you do this? yes I have taken Imaginative leaps and have shown some sense of discovering new outcomes. The way I have done it is by looking at many different works of different artist and trying out their style of work on my own work.

Have you shown enthusiasm and imagination in your work? If so, how? If not, how can you make changes to do this? yes I have

Have you created work that is exciting and original? If so, how? If not, what can you do to improve this area?No I have not yet

Have you annotated your blog thoroughly throughout? No I normaly do that at the end of the project otherwise you miss out on some thigns when doing this , but i have done some.

Have you practised with your exam outcomes by creating mock-ups? Are your outcomes skilful/ well constructed? No have not done this yet.

Have you created an exam plan? Not yet done this.

Smart targets:
-Have you annotated your blog thoroughly throughout? No I normaly do that at the end of the project otherwise you miss out on some thigns when doing this , but i have done some.

-Have you created work that is exciting and original? If so, how? If not, what can you do to improve this area?No and the way I will improve is by making my ideas and make them look better and appeal more to the brief.

Minimum Target Grade

My ALIS target grade is : D
and my predicted grade is : D