Friday 1 February 2013

Killers packaging

 The Killers,Hot fuss album cover.

This album was the first that the group had and was a hit as soon as it came out, the album its self is very basic as its the first album so they don't want to say to much about them self. From what I have researched they did most of their work in a hotel which is why they have on the cover of the album. The logo for the killers is very basic but created such a reaction and they have kept the logo with the dots and the words being felled with the dots which is really good that they have done that.

The killers, sam's town album cover 
Now this album cover is a lot better, now it makes sense with the lyrics of the album being sams town and love the album as whole and the inlay is pretty amazing as it has pictures of the band in loads of different places of the desert, another thing that goes really well with this CD is that the CD its self has a picture of a ram on it and was a very iconic image for a long time after the album came out in 2006. The logo for the killers is still the same as the last time which I love to see with in a band, and also the effect of the black and white works really well with the album and then to have the sam's town is red and really sticks out to the eye. another thing I am seeing with in the albums is that the name of the album is always underneath the name of the band The killers.
The killers, Day and age
This album has one very famous song by the killers that a lot of people would associate with the killers which isn't the best thing to hear as the rest of the album wasn't great but never the less its the killers so it doesn't mater, this album cover art work is done very well as it matches with the bands logo which is to have the little dots that would make up the font, and then to have this though out the inlay as well is every good. Another thing thats really good to see is that the artist who did the cover then did this sort of style on the whole bands faces which was really good to see with in the inlay. The cover must of taken ages to do because the circles and the different sizes of them and all different colours when you go into the different layers of the piece.
The killers, Battle born
The latest album to come out the killers is called battle born, this cover is done very well and works really well with the first and last song of the album. The song goes on about a long road and black horse running down the road and going into the dessert, and in away the rest of the album is pictured like this album cover so with out this cover the album would in my eye fail. The logo is still the same which is great, the battle born font is done great it took me a little bit to notice because I was of course listening to the album, but the lightning bolt is making a E in stead of having normal font like the rest of the albums they have one made a logo for the album and it makes sense for one the songs of the album and maybe the whole album in a way.

The killers have been my favoiute band sinse I was young boy and they have been in my life for a very long time and even mixed in with my love life so basically for me the killers are the greatest band to come out of america and possibly the world.

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