Friday 15 March 2013

digital experiments

The aim of this piece of work that I did was that of trying to match the work of Ciara Phelan, she works on digitail medium just like what I have tryed to do here. So to start with I had a random shape which in my case is a hexagon but ciara phelan normaly works with circles but in this case I wanted to see what the work would look like if I used I didnt object, I then got one primary photo which is of my sister and put it somewhere with in my work, I then got 3 different primary objects and that was of grass, a building and and chess piece. After I had my images I put them all around my hexagon to make the piece and once I was happy I started to crop things and even cut out things like I did with my sister to give a more random and serial effect in away. 

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