Tuesday 26 February 2013

Chris ede ispired work

With this exercise, I really enjoyed doing as I sort of knew what I was doing because I have done this exercise before in my Btec class's but with those I did animals as the main subject mater but this time I have used my little sister and I also thought I would use a mirror as it is alice and she is going though the looking glass. The techniques I used in this piece of work was mainly layering so by getting loads of colours from the image of my sister and lifting them up and creating more layers. The equipment I used in this piece of work was of course a camera to take the pictures for this piece, I have also used photoshop to bring the technique to the max. When doing this piece of work I didn't enjoy the work as much as I would of liked to do this work by hand. I found the work very difficult to get like to a good level, and I still dont think that I have done very well so thats why Im not doing anything with in photoshop or anything to do with computers. I would not like to work with this sort of thing again as I really didn't enjoy doing this. The piece was inspired by the work of chris ede who does work like this all the time and has put up on you tube a lot of tutorials on how to do this type of work. 

1 comment:

  1. When annotating experiments you should comment on the following:

    What techniques did you use?
    What materials and equipment did you use?
    Did you enjoy using these techniques?
    Did you find them hard / difficult to work with?
    Would you like to work with them again?
    Was the experiment inspired by a particular artist/designer?
