Tuesday 20 March 2012

Unit 2, Encounters, experiences and meetings: Initial ideas

This is my initial ideas for my final idea, to start with I used this chance to look into more indepth anaylis on david shrigley which is what I have done in the bottom left hand corner. I have looked at two of his pieces that really shine out to me which is, one the dog that is stuffed and put on display to say that he is dead,two the sort of diagram that says "I remember he told me to look up, so I looked up then my hot dog had gone", This are my favioute because of the weirdness of the pieces.Here is the link to his page david shrigley

My first idea which is the poster idea on the bottom right hand corner is a poster of something that is related to new york city, so first I used the statue of liberty which was the first thing I thought of when I thought of new york. So when that was done I drew the words out new york in my own typographical way in away.

My secound idea is for my postcards in which I did to different ideas,One idea is to use the ever so famous london bus which would become the shape of the postcard which is a good idea but yet I think my other idea for my postcards is a lot better than the bus, the idea is that it is big ben or the house of parlerment is a better shape out line than the bus with a better drawing on the other side of the postcard in its self.

My last Idea which is what I will use most likely use as an idea, it is the idea of a artist sketch book but Im using a different method in this idea which is using a concertina which is the idea of when the customer opens the book it will open as I have shown on the top left hand corner and will have annotations and loads of sketches front and back of the concertina.

So with all these ideas in mind I will hopefully and most likely use the idea of the concertina as it is what I like to do all in one project and also has the idea of the book which makes it so much better for me.I would most likely use paper/card and pencils to draw all my images, maybe I could use paper card/paper for the cover of the book, I may also need to use a craft knife for the front cover as well.

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