Wednesday 14 March 2012

exhibition review

The exhibition that we went to for a college trip was an exhibition for two artist called, jeremy dellar and David shirgley.In which the exhibition was held in london, the gallery its self is called the Hayward Gallery london.
He was born in Macclesfield on 17 September 1968, he also studied in the lesson at the foundation level at a college in macclesfield.Jeremy Deller studied at dulwich college in london, england 
My two favourite pieces from the artist's, one my David Shirgley is the piece in the exhibition which is the dead stuffed dog that has a sign in his hand that says "Im dead".

The reason why this is my favioute bit of the exhibition as it is a dog that well has been stuffed that shows off the fact that it is dead and also I like the weirdness of the whole thing.

The coffee shop in the gallery is interactive and the coffee their is free so all the people in being behind the counter serve free tea all day long and this is the interactive art which is a really good idea and you also get free tea.

The piece of art with the mouth and when you walk into it a film is playing which happens all day long was propley my lest favouite piece of work in the gallery as it was boring and wasnt very intresting although I did like the idea of you going into the artist mind as in going into a mouth.

With david Shrigley I didnt have any piece by him that i didnt really like, this guy is a artist that I could end up being one day and in all this he has become a famous artist that has really inspired me to become more like him ion away.

The whole gallery and experance of it all was great although I thought the first artist" Jeremy Deller" wasnt as good as the secound artist that we saw which was weird so their for like my line of work and is more like me.With this in mind I really think that David Shrigley is really going to inspire me to do more work like his in my exam piece as he is my new favioute artist. In my view I think that jeremy trys to act more like David but doesnt do as well as him because he is alot weirder and a lot better work produced in his work.

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