Monday 5 March 2012

Indepth analysis Sydney opera house

The piece of work that was done by a small group of people no more than at least 10, the groups manager was darcy prendergast and along with his freinds they made the sydney opera house and its surroundings out of things that you can easyly buy at the shop ( staples ).The whole idea for this is so that you could win a trip to Australia which is why they choose to make one of austraillas most touristey part ( sydney ).
With in the work you can see the materails which you can buy in the shop staples which are pens,markers,pencils,paperclip,glue,ruler,string,crayons,eraser and last of all tip ex to color in the sydney opera house. Some keywords that would best fit this piece of work would be that it is very creatively done, it is orginal and as far as I know it one of a kind, it is also very 3-D like in the way the building in the landscape have been made.
My personal opnion on the work is that it is very well done, although it doesnt look very realistic for me it makes it look so much better as it has a sense of this work could be real. I really like the way that everything that made this piece of work is in the shop of stationery staples.All in all i think it is an amzing piece and the work looks so much better because it has been done by about 10 people so its not all one mans doing this work.

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