Friday 23 March 2012

Unit 2, Encounters, experiences and meetings: Lino cuttings

To start with you have to do a traceing of a image that you would like to do a linocutting for, so in this case I choose a bit of london that creates a skyline to cut out and make into a print for Lino. So the image above this paragraph is infact my traceing of the image that I will use when cutting out my Lino. 

This is my final image of the linocut, first of all you get the traced image of what ever you have and draw onto the paper onto the Lino, once the image is their you can cut into it with your Lino cutting tool.First i did the outline of the buildings which in that some had different widths so with that you will have to use different lino cuttings tools or just change the end of the one you have already.

Smooth,durable, bendy, tough, flat, hard, reinforced, can carve into Lino, thin, 

  • Can print with it
  • Carve into it
  • emboss and rubbings 
  • Reduction printing
  • tough and sturdy 
  • Print onto many different surfaces 
  • Easy to do

  • Cant do to many mistakes
  • not in 3-D
  • hard to cut into
  • Limited colour 
  • Hard to tidy up
  • Smells funny 
  • Had to use white sprit to get it off the Lino
  • Long time to dry
  • Time consuming 
  • Not easy to get details in to the Lino

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Unit 2, Encounters, experiences and meetings: Initial ideas

This is my initial ideas for my final idea, to start with I used this chance to look into more indepth anaylis on david shrigley which is what I have done in the bottom left hand corner. I have looked at two of his pieces that really shine out to me which is, one the dog that is stuffed and put on display to say that he is dead,two the sort of diagram that says "I remember he told me to look up, so I looked up then my hot dog had gone", This are my favioute because of the weirdness of the pieces.Here is the link to his page david shrigley

My first idea which is the poster idea on the bottom right hand corner is a poster of something that is related to new york city, so first I used the statue of liberty which was the first thing I thought of when I thought of new york. So when that was done I drew the words out new york in my own typographical way in away.

My secound idea is for my postcards in which I did to different ideas,One idea is to use the ever so famous london bus which would become the shape of the postcard which is a good idea but yet I think my other idea for my postcards is a lot better than the bus, the idea is that it is big ben or the house of parlerment is a better shape out line than the bus with a better drawing on the other side of the postcard in its self.

My last Idea which is what I will use most likely use as an idea, it is the idea of a artist sketch book but Im using a different method in this idea which is using a concertina which is the idea of when the customer opens the book it will open as I have shown on the top left hand corner and will have annotations and loads of sketches front and back of the concertina.

So with all these ideas in mind I will hopefully and most likely use the idea of the concertina as it is what I like to do all in one project and also has the idea of the book which makes it so much better for me.I would most likely use paper/card and pencils to draw all my images, maybe I could use paper card/paper for the cover of the book, I may also need to use a craft knife for the front cover as well.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Brief qustionare

-I have selected this brief because it s more me with drawing and illustrations.
-I am planing on looking at primary and secondary research one from me going to london to draw all day, and the other from the internet.
-Hennie Haworth, Lizzie finn, Danny allison and one that wasnt on the brief was David Shiregly who was a bit like me in away.
-I would like to experiment with loads of different techniques that would have to do with my subject which is travel
-I am planning on make my self a poster of 5 different illustrations

exhibition review

The exhibition that we went to for a college trip was an exhibition for two artist called, jeremy dellar and David shirgley.In which the exhibition was held in london, the gallery its self is called the Hayward Gallery london.
He was born in Macclesfield on 17 September 1968, he also studied in the lesson at the foundation level at a college in macclesfield.Jeremy Deller studied at dulwich college in london, england 
My two favourite pieces from the artist's, one my David Shirgley is the piece in the exhibition which is the dead stuffed dog that has a sign in his hand that says "Im dead".

The reason why this is my favioute bit of the exhibition as it is a dog that well has been stuffed that shows off the fact that it is dead and also I like the weirdness of the whole thing.

The coffee shop in the gallery is interactive and the coffee their is free so all the people in being behind the counter serve free tea all day long and this is the interactive art which is a really good idea and you also get free tea.

The piece of art with the mouth and when you walk into it a film is playing which happens all day long was propley my lest favouite piece of work in the gallery as it was boring and wasnt very intresting although I did like the idea of you going into the artist mind as in going into a mouth.

With david Shrigley I didnt have any piece by him that i didnt really like, this guy is a artist that I could end up being one day and in all this he has become a famous artist that has really inspired me to become more like him ion away.

The whole gallery and experance of it all was great although I thought the first artist" Jeremy Deller" wasnt as good as the secound artist that we saw which was weird so their for like my line of work and is more like me.With this in mind I really think that David Shrigley is really going to inspire me to do more work like his in my exam piece as he is my new favioute artist. In my view I think that jeremy trys to act more like David but doesnt do as well as him because he is alot weirder and a lot better work produced in his work.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

observational drawings

exbition drawing

When we all went up to London on a trip to see an exhibition that really inspired me to do more work like the artist that we saw, so when it was other I thought sense we was in London I may as well draw some of the scenery around here and we got told to of course, first picture is a piece of art outside the exhibition which I thought was really well done.The second picture is of the house's of parilements which I thought was done very well.The last picture is of a egg that's cracked which may be saying that society is broken or may juts be a cracked egg.

Paper installation

This is a task which involved a group of us to make a scene out of paper, and the bits that I have circled are the parts of this which I have made a drawn out my self in some case's

paper experiments

Trip pcitures

Monday 5 March 2012

Indepth analysis Sydney opera house

The piece of work that was done by a small group of people no more than at least 10, the groups manager was darcy prendergast and along with his freinds they made the sydney opera house and its surroundings out of things that you can easyly buy at the shop ( staples ).The whole idea for this is so that you could win a trip to Australia which is why they choose to make one of austraillas most touristey part ( sydney ).
With in the work you can see the materails which you can buy in the shop staples which are pens,markers,pencils,paperclip,glue,ruler,string,crayons,eraser and last of all tip ex to color in the sydney opera house. Some keywords that would best fit this piece of work would be that it is very creatively done, it is orginal and as far as I know it one of a kind, it is also very 3-D like in the way the building in the landscape have been made.
My personal opnion on the work is that it is very well done, although it doesnt look very realistic for me it makes it look so much better as it has a sense of this work could be real. I really like the way that everything that made this piece of work is in the shop of stationery staples.All in all i think it is an amzing piece and the work looks so much better because it has been done by about 10 people so its not all one mans doing this work.

indepth ananylis

This piece of work done by the artist Hort is a really good example of paper techniques as it shows that you can make even the simplist of works into a really cool and funky way. So to start of with the artist uses only what looks like card and paper which makes this piece of work even better as it is ver simple but yet very affective.Now with the shadowing of this the artist only uses the windows for the boreing buildings so to say by cutting evey single piece bit by bit which makes this piece of work look boreing at first but when you look over to the color side of things you can see the artist has either colored the buildings, the trees and the bikes by hand or has used card/ paper to create such simple shapes.The way this piece is done makes it look 10 times better, as the piece makes you feel more like everynow and then you can take away something boring and make it fun which is shown by useing primary school colors to go back to your childhood in away. With all this in mind the piece really stood out to me to be a really well done piece of art/work and it makes sense to me so in that makes it great for me to look at.