Monday 26 November 2012

Indepth analysis

David Shrigley 

The art is made by david shrigley him self and also designed himself, he normally does very weird drawings that can be called random if you will. the artist is 44 and came from macclesfield, the piece of art/ work that i have here is called "Im dead" it can be a sculpture i guess but I wouldn't say its completely a sculpture but it is the close's to that in the name of art I guess. the art work was made at the start of 2012 a date hasn't completely been given but does say at the start of 2012. The work was made for his first major exhibition which was called brain activeity which I went along to early February to look at his work. My reason for me researching him is because when I went down their I felt that I was very in torch with him as we both have the same sort of style of working as we both work with the funny aspect of drawing and live in a whole. I also use the same materials and techniques as him like drawing and as Ive said before we have the same humour as each other, and over all he really inspired me to do some work like him and it came out really well and it the same style.

I have looked at the real thing so at the gallery to get a better understanding of his work and I have looked at some websites to do with him and this piece of work of the dead jack Russell.
1:First link
2: The dead dog

A interview david hade with the timeout 

Dave Eggers: ‘You’ve said before that when you’re drawing, you’re taking on a role. That is, that there’s a persona, almost, that you’ve generated who is behind your work. But I wonder how you get to the place where you create. The drawings, at their best, I think, have a desperateness to them that I like to assume you’re only reaching after drinking heavily, or being depressed, or being alone at 4 am.’
David Shrigley: ‘Well, I’m quite disciplined and always totally sober. There’s a specific amount of caffeine and sugar and nutrition to get stuff done – you get to your forties and realize you’ve got to eat stuff otherwise you get really grumpy. There’s a certain zone that you get into that you’re kind of almost not really thinking anymore, but it just feels like it’s all pouring out of you like water out of a jug. But it’s not necessarily any good. Sometimes it’s terrible. So yeah, I do have those moments, but if I had a glass of wine, that’s it, game over. I’m going upstairs to watch CSI: Miami.'
The theme of this work and what went with the rest of the exhibition and his other pieces is that it is all of david shrigley's ideas and things that he wants to get out to the rest of the world. 

The materials/techniques that are used in this work is that of getting a dead dog and changing what it doing so you can make it hold up the sign post "Im dead", with this the techniques being used are very visual and very deep. So this is showing that the dog is dead but to make the artwork even better you have to have a real dead dog that is stuffed and with these all put together it shows off as a great piece of work. With this piece of work the artist isn't showing of much colour which in its self is using colour to get a better effect of the work in hand, so say if he chose to do the base of where the dogs standing pink, it would show off a different feeling and their for change the effect into a loving and homely thing instead of it being a deep dark thing that the artist is trying to show off. The scale of this piece is not that big but is big in the sense of how much it gets seen, it is on the poster that shows that david shirgley is having a exhibition also is the most poplar piece at the exhibition so is very big in that sense. 

The reason why I have chosen to do this artist and this piece is because i feel I have a real connection with this artist as me and him both share a sort of art/ humour and he is just a really cool artist to research and he makes me want to do this in depth analysis, along with this I have seen up-close the work that Im researching so it makes it easier to get a understanding of what Im saying here. My first reaction to this work was this guy is crazy, and from then on out I have loved his work and have been very inspired to do drawings like this and have done them since I have seen him. I like how the dog is real and he shows of that with the sign post, and I like how their is a funny element to it but in a dark and sick way if you will, i dislike that its in a box it shows that maybe the artist is to scared to let the dog out of the cage in a way. The only similar work that I have seen is that of my own which is very strange but it is the only thing I can relate his work to that I've seen.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good analysis but I'm surprised you selected this particular piece to look at - whilst the humour is a good connection it would have been better to have looked at his drawings. I would recommend you complete additional analysis, or perhaps a mood board of just David Shrigley to show you have researched his drawn work and annotate it discussing how it relates to your own drawings.
