Tuesday 6 November 2012


For my final CD packageing I used a number of different techniques to pull of my packageing which took alot of expermenting and other all good skilled work to achieve the final outcome. So along the way of this project I have done many things which have all pulled together to make my final outcome. First we started off doing different logo techniques and soon after that we did our final logos here is a picture of my final logo below this text.

When making this logo I first started following a tutail but towards the end I realised I was just doing what felt right and ended up making this logo which is really simply done buy using loads of circles to make the base of this logo and then changing the colour and in one case changing the grange effect,when it came to the font I was listening to the killers when choosing this and the first thing that came to my head was to do loads of different fonts to make it look really cool and effective just like the killers.
After my logo was finshed I went on to make/ design net for my final packageing, in my skecth book I came up with 6 different ideas which then went into my presentation to show the whole class what ive been doing with my time.With these designs other and done with I got to work on my final net, before I get to finishing my net I had to first do the artwork that would go on my net, so I drew out many different drawings a picked the best ones, with these drawings they all had something to do with the lyrics in the songs such as, with "Mr brightside" I drew a man with a lightbulb for a head which worked really well with my album artwork.This picture is of a hand reaching out to grab what it used to have in relation to jenny was a friend of mine.

This worked very well because when I put it onto my net I made sure I overlayed and softlighted the art work so it would blend in with the effect that I chose for my net which worked really well so I made sure I did this effect with the rest of drawings/artworks.
Another thing I had to do was inlay which is basically the booklet that goes into my CD packageing and here is my final inlay.

Along with 4 songs from the album I put in the inlay I put in 2 of my drawings that I drew to go on the net so it would give people and chance to see the work again.After the inlay was done their was only one final thing to do which was build/make my CD packaging, it wasn't easy to do as in the last day bits didn't fit together but after a lot of extra hours and work put into it I finally made it so here is my final net design back and front of it.

With these two put together I felt that I really did well in this project with all the hours I have put into it I can say Im proud of this packaging, now on the back I have put the barcode for the real CD "Hot Fuss" and if you can see I have also added a QR code which if scanned will take the user to my blog, this was  just a little touch that I really wanted to add at the end to make the packaging look and feel just that little bit better.
Over all I have really enjoyed this project although it wasn't a very long project, if I had more time with this project I think I would have made it so the CD would slide out of the packaging instead of the user to have to open it to get to the CD but apart from that I think I have done a good job with this project.

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