Monday 26 November 2012

In-depth analysis


The person that made the art/design is someone named copyright he use's a mixture of different techniques such as illustration which is what I'm looking at right now and stencil/ graffiti which goes together really well and is really cool. this artist is not very known he does street art which is then sold on his website. The piece that Im looking at is just simply a piece of street art and illustration goes into a lot of his work to help him out with all his stencils. It has sort of been exhibited tot he pubic as it is street art but it depends how you see his work. i have chosen to research this piece due to the fact that he is relating to my work in the illustration way but also he has done graffiti and in my art work I am working on a street art piece so int hat way it related to me and my work.

the piece its self is called american princess, then shortly after this he redone the work by making american princess 2 with is basically the same as this but with a different angle of the girl and different dress along with some different backgrounds. One famous quote by the artist is, is fear not money? as implying that  when you have fear you will then get money so in a way it fits in with his work very well as he does street art and that is all about fear and the fear of not getting court doing it is very overwhelming and at the end of the day he gets money out of it so his quote really does make sense.
The theme i think he is trying to show off is that of how the girls in america are seen as princess but in realty they are nothing more that some street art so basically calling them a tramp in a sort of way, you get this understanding from the title and when you look into the work with more detail. I think with this work it is all about a story of a girl in america trying to find her way which is why he made two of the piece with different titles. i think the artist has found inspiration from just living in america which just sums up why he did this piece.

the materials he has used are spray paints as you can clearly see all around the piece, you can see he has used pencils maybe pens to get the image onto a stencil maybe, also it looks like it may have been touched up in Photoshop so he would have used a mac for this work. the artist has gone for the rough effect so he has used bright colors but in a bad way so this is very effective to the piece as a whole.The work doesn't look like its massive but it would propley fit a wall somewhere.

My first reaction to this work is that it looks really cool the only thing i really dislike about this piece is that i is taking the piece out of american girls saying they are rich but I don't think the artist has seen what some american girls go though out in the states to get a good understanding of what is going on. this work has really inspired me to go on and try out many different types of stenciling and for that I am very great full i stumbled across this artist he is great.

1 comment:

  1. You have analysed this piece well discussing materials and meaning in an interesting manner - in places though you make assumptions, such as the size of the piece, can you not find this information out? Make sure you research work fully before analysing so you know as much information as possible.

    You also need to be careful with your spelling and grammar - it would be worth using the spell check, or typing it up in word beforehand to check these things. There are also a few parts where you have used some unusual terms - 'taking the piece out of american girls?' What are you trying to say here - I think you may have misspelt the word 'piece' but you may need to re phrase that as its not appropriate language.
