Tuesday 29 January 2013

personal project ,Final evaluation


When we first started our personal project we had to come up with our own personal brief, this would include the brief paragraph that would explain what I will be doing though out the personal project, their will also be a tiny pointer on how the last project relates to this project, I also had to include the assessment objectives with some artist/designers that I could look at and finally I had to have a checklist with the final deadline date. When I was coming up with the ideas for the project I thought of what I was good at in past projects and one thing that came up was when I did a flash animation for BTEC. I then got experimenting with ways of doing something to fit with the brief in the end I came up with the idea of doing a music video for a song of my choice and making a animation to go with it.

The creative journey I took though out the project was pretty good because at the start I started to draw a lot in my sketch book, so I would be drawing in every lesson many different things such as serial things happening in every page along with annotations and different drawing techniques to go along with the main drawings on the page. it started out to be a drawing type project but as the project progressed I found my self working more on the computer with flash and animation so I chose to set my brief around that. I took research into david shrigley at the start as Ive said before I was drawing a lot and since me and him share the same sort of drawing humour I felt this was a good thing.-

The one animation that really inspired me to do a flash type animation was this animation by alexander gellener:  

I love the idea behind this work, although I don't think he did the animation on flash as such but flash seems to be the nearest program I can get to being at that level.

The thinks I think I have done well in the project is the style of the animation just works with the music that I choose to do for the project and the amount of slides I have done for the project and in the end I am very happy with my outcome and think it should go well with my coursework.The things I could of improved in is the quality of the slides but with the amount of time I had I think the quality is good for what I wanted.

To conclude he overall project I just think it has been my most enjoyable project from start to finsh, when doing in-depth analysis in other projects I have not found the  reason why I am doing it but with this project everything seems to flow well.At the start of the project I had a lot of funny drawing every lesson coming up with loads of different ideas a experiments with in drawing. The techniques That I would like to improve on is my flash skills and maybe find more and more drawing styles and ways of drawing with in art/graphics.

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