Wednesday 4 July 2012

The shins album cover

This is the album cover for the band named "The shins. When you first see this album cover you think ok looks childish in away but then when you into more you find the childishness slips away and becomes and deep message about everything that is wrong with this world which of course you automatically thing thats what the songs in the album will be about whats on the cover.
The target audience is for once again a young age which would be the people that actually listen this sort of music.
The materials that would have made this work is I would say is a basic pencil maybe pen the taken into photoshop to touch up on maybe not to sure.
The info on the inner sleeve is basic drawings and also with this album cover its a sort of pop up thing that you can interact with and all the images with the pop ups are all about the songs with in the album.
The artwork is very well done to fit with the album and the people behind it "the Shins".

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