Wednesday 27 March 2013

digital experiments

This is my monoprint of a design of alice I did along time but I then wanted to see what the design would look like with in the technique of mono printing, when I saw that it came out this well and what I loved with mono printing is the fact that when you wanted to add a shadow effect and get it done well all you have to do is use your finger and rub in as the mono printing technique picks up any marks made on the page.

Monday 18 March 2013

Exhibition review: The Photographer's Gallery-Perspectives on Collage

To start of this exhibition we had to first find our way to london, the exhibition was at the photographers gallery which is located right next to the oxford circus tube station. One person exhibiting at the gallery that we looked at with great detail was laura letinsky who takes photos of certain objects that relate to the theme and subject mater, and in some of her photos their would be drawings of some objects which gave the image a real serial look on things.

Underneath this text is all the pictures I took on the day when we all went down to the photographers gallery, one piece of imagery I found good was the second image down from this piece of text as it is a since of freedom as its not greatly detailed but has some sort of meaning behind it, but then again I dont like it in away as it is to childish to be in gallery of this high quality, a kid could of done this piece and possibly done it better in some sense but I think thats what its serposted to be.

 One artist I liked at the exhibition was called Geraldo de barros he was born in 1923 and died in 1998, he never wanted to become a photographer and never really wanted to do this as a living and only really took fame when he got to a later age. Basically after a series of strokes and when he was only restricted to a wheelchair he took photography back up. With this in mind his daughter was looking though loads of old pictures and with the two years he had left which he of course didn't know he started the project sobras which of course didn't get finished and in the gallery now and with the rest of the work of sobras, the exhibition at the gallery is called what remains which is a great title for this piece and really has a lot of meaning behind the title alone.

Friday 15 March 2013

digital experiments

The aim of this piece of work that I did was that of trying to match the work of Ciara Phelan, she works on digitail medium just like what I have tryed to do here. So to start with I had a random shape which in my case is a hexagon but ciara phelan normaly works with circles but in this case I wanted to see what the work would look like if I used I didnt object, I then got one primary photo which is of my sister and put it somewhere with in my work, I then got 3 different primary objects and that was of grass, a building and and chess piece. After I had my images I put them all around my hexagon to make the piece and once I was happy I started to crop things and even cut out things like I did with my sister to give a more random and serial effect in away.