Tuesday 2 October 2012

Logo intial ideas

With these two logos what I did was an abstract logo which is a symbol or a shape that would represent a company in my case a band but i felt that it didnt really look to go to be a logo. The other one I did on the right is a lettermark logo which is a typography logo that spells out the company in this case the band and the band being the killers.


  1. You could scan all your initial sketches to improve this post then annotate them in the same manner! You should also include which sketch(s) you selected to develop into your final logo - you also need to move this post so it comes before your final logo post

  2. Since the beginning of time images and emblematic signals have assumed a significant job in forming the way of life of different civic establishments. The significance of images can be genuinely seen in the Egyptian time of the Pharaohs by means of the different engravings on various items. In the advanced universe of today.logo design service
