Friday 28 September 2012


This background is one of my favioutes but not one of the best to make, it is very complacated to do but really does have an amazing effect when you see it and the logo put together like this.

This is a really good background as I think it would grap the target audience's attention and when they realise that the background is the first letter of the band being"K" I think they would think its a pretty well done background although it was the easiest background to make it makes the effect even better as it is very simple.

This effect could of looked good if I did more work on it but as it is I think it would go well with my band as the name is the killers so it would sort of fit in within the theme of kill maybe Im not sure.

This background was the hardest to make but again it has a really good effect when you see it, I may use this effect but in a different way maybe I will have a white background and have the logo in the middile but feel in the logo colour with this bubbley effect which may or may not work wwe wil just have to see.

1 comment:

  1. Your annotation needs to go into more detail you should always be answering the following:

    What did you do? Relate to the examples you’ve seen (similarities?)
    How did you do it? Explain technique and stages
    What went well? Are you happy with it? Did you enjoy making it?
    What could you improve? …if you had more time, materials etc

    If you followed a tutorial you could include a link to the video - you also need to explain the process using the correct technical vocabulary. You also need to consider the use of formal elements particularly colour!
