Monday 18 June 2012

Typography work

This is my go at trying 

stencil work

The image below is a image of my artist that I had to choice to do to try out a stencil which I used after I did all the work on Photoshop which i did by go to image and then threshold and sorting the shading on the first layer being (black), the second layer was the skin color of my artist who is Brandon flowers lead singer of a band called The killers.

Below this text is my finshed out come of the stencil which I used a sponge to try out different techniques.

30 years of nike

This is for a advert to promote that nike basketball shoes have been going for 30 years and to do that Nike hired a artist by the name called Billie jean not be mistaken by the song by Micheal Jackson.
The company or the artist had been told to make 30 posters to celebrate 30 years of Nike basketball.
Vandal is on this because dueing the time of 1985 when and also it would seem that it is going to be the name of the shoe.

The littile love heart on the top left hand corner to show of the pasion for thew sport "basketball" 
To create a intrest in nike and the new project of retro trainers.Above the heart their is a picture of a dog that could be a mascot for basketball not to sure.

Target audience.
-Yung adults
-People that play sport
-Sproty people

It is also very american style at drawing all of the stuff on the poster.Peace sign to promote hipys of that time in 1985 and in some of the players shirts it has the number 85 to also promote the year 1985.
Another thing that promotes 1985 is the retro gaming which is a pciture of a space invader and also a maze aspect which could be related to pac man who and which was very poplaur around that time.
The only typography on it is the word "vandal".Alot of abstract shapes and patterns all around the page.

One very good part of this which isnt really seen as much as it is just a background so not many people look at it is the fact that it is graph paper which shows that this is basicaly a doddle that could have been done in a lesson at school which is when a lot of doddling is done as the kid gets bored and does the sort of images that is done here.