Wednesday 9 May 2012


I started this project with a choice of 4 different briefs,one of them was to do an olympic themed poster and t-shirt which I didn't really like the idea of that, another brief was to do a typography type thing for the exam which once again I did not like the idea of simply because we have done this before and didn't really enjoy it.Their was one other brief which once again I didn't like as it was building nets and we have done that before and I really didn't like that. So in the end I choose to do the illustration brief which is basically doing 5 different posters of a location of your  choice and in that I picked london as it is near me and easy to get pictures of it when I need it.

A person inspired me to do work like what I may do in my exam and my final piece in the exam was the work of tim marrs he does loads of work that looks really good but and the same time looks rally rushed which gives his work a better fill to it and makes some of the images he uses in it have more speed and volume to them.

This project has had me thinking for different outcomes, some of the outcomes that I thought of was to do a moo print which was a good idea but when I went to do it I didn't feel like it came out very well so their for left that aside as an idea.Another cool idea to do was to just draw out loads of pictures and place them in a book so that people good just flick though and look at some of my drawings, but when it came to it I knew that I wouldn't have enough time to get a good 5 drawings done in the space of 8 hours.

For my final outcome and for my thing to do in the exam was to do a stencil like piece with spray paint to fill in the gaps of the stencils, with this it goes back to the work of Tim Marrs and also another artist has inspired me during the exam which is the work of the street artist banskey who I have loved the work of for years but have never goten a chance to do some work like his. So I got to work doing loads of experiments for this and I really liked this 3-D experiment that I tried out on a city line of london that worked really well with its colours and stencil

My final thoughts on all the work that I have done though out the exam is that it took a very long time to cut out every stencil which could have costed me dueing the exam but in the end I pulled though and did some amazing stencils which are of.

  • Tower bridge 
  • Mayors office ( city hall )
  • St Pauls cathedral 
  • A famous red phone box
  • and of course houses of parliaments ( big ben )
With all 5 of the posters done I have finished my exam and all in all I think that I have done a very good job maybe not of the big ben poster but the rest I feel are to the greatness of what I can do with my work.

Friday 4 May 2012

Unit 2, Encounters, experiences and meetings: Exam Plan

This is my exam planner on how I will plan out this exam for the next two days, I have looked at what I need a listed my materials as you can see all I will need is spray paint, card and also a craft knife to cut out the stencils to spray on the A-3 sheet that will become my final piece for my exam.

Unit 2, Encounters, experiences and meetings: Poster Ideas

This is one of my experiments of a stencil that I created dueing a lesson, with this one I sprayed on one colour then I moved the stencil just a tad to the left and used a different colour which made it look a bit 3-D in a way.