Tuesday 24 April 2012

Review of Ideas

  • How have your original ideas / concepts changed from the start of the project? Well first I had the idea of doing a city landscape by doing it in Lino now I am going to now do a spray paint technique with it.
  • How have your original ideas developed through experimenting with techniques, materials and equipment? I have tried different images that I have taken in london and different cutting techniques to get a different shape when you spray paint.  
  • How have your original ideas developed as a result of researching the work of others? Yes I have seen some work online and I really liked the look of the spray paint.
  • Do you think your ideas will continue to change and develop as your work progresses? Do you have any further experimenting / research to do that you think might change / improve your ideas? With my ideas I dont think they will be changing any time soon, Yes I will b further experimenting until I have found the perfect image to work with in my exam.

Unit 2, Encounters, experiences and meetings: Poster ideas and techniques

These are my experiments on some stencils and different types drawing techniques, such as simply drawing, stecnil work which started out being a drawing, coloring in the drawing and also drawing the coloring in of the drawing in chalk.

Friday 20 April 2012

Unit 2, Encounters, experiences and meetings: Experiments

This is the first image that you start with and after this I will end up cutting out different parts that would then be used to spray onto another piece of paper.

Monday 16 April 2012

Unit 2, Encounters, experiences and meetings: Primary research to pick me up

This is a exhibition and a place where you could meet the artist's and see their work and even try out some of their techniques they use to make the work, this was a extra bit of work that we could of done which I did and learnt alot from it and even had some fun looking at some of the artist's work.