Tuesday 31 January 2012


    First of we all get set a brief which was to come up with a name and to make ideas for the branding of this new company,along with this we also had to come up with some packageing ideas and some swing tags to go along with the new shop. The brief also staes that we had to deside which type of shop it would be , for example,shoe shop,sweets shop,clothes shop and many more the list is endless. Design a logo , do loads of research into different graphic designers plus more.

    My creative journey into this project was very as you would say creative, for example when come up with ideas for logos and packageing I came up with many many different ideas for the both of them and in the end came up with two nets but only one shined though.My ideas though out the project was successful as in my logo ideas such as my final one which was a cross sticth which I thought went very well which I used at the very start and finshed with it at the end. I then did some research into packageing and development into other designers ideas and used some of those ideas in my final net logo and swing tag.

    This is my final logo in which you see above this text,when doing this the whole class was doing the same task,and that was to use the cross stitch effect on our names for our company. Some looked well but others did'nt really work well with the name, but mine worked ok with the name and the colours so I ended up sticking with it.

    This is my final net for this retail graphics project,first of all i had a packege that wasnt very well done but it was net in its self,after talking to my teacher I redid my net and this is now my final final net. This net is more like a net so to say, it has a draw for the product its self being sweets,and is more well made and also has more infomation on it such as on the back it has a barcode and along with it my companys website to feel up extra unfilled space.

    My swing tag which I cant find the picture for it but yet it is on my blog labeled Final swing tag.With this I came up with many ideas which is on my blog as well named under "Swing tag ideas",so with these new ideas I went to work to make my final one.My insperation came when I put two ideas from this sheet together which then created my final swing tag.

    With all my final outcomes done I am very happy with my swing tag and logo,But with my net I felt with it I could of done a lot better with it but at the end I didnt have enough time for it all.

    I found this project very intresting and with this project I learnt alot in it such as how to make a net to a good finsh, makeing flash animation and also with it made different techniques with different graphics such as packageing and also typography,but yes overall was a great project to be apart with.
    But with this in hand I dont think I will be doing this again for a long time.

    Final Net

    Monday 23 January 2012

    final swing tag

    Inital Ideas for net

    This is my final net that I have been working on for my final packaging that will store my candy as it is a candy shop.The idea is that with this you will store sweets and others things from the shop into it and in which you can eat later, so in a way it is a bit like a pick a mix from the famous woolworths brand of "pick and mix".

    Initial Ideas for swing tag

    Wednesday 11 January 2012

    logo development:Cross Stitch


    For my brief I had to design a logo for my final product which is for the sweets for the shop candy bomb.I came up with many different ideas for this logo which was me basically going though different names to start with, The names that I came up with was:

    • Lolly
    • Sopa
    • RB
    After this I came up with the name Candy Bomb, then with that in hand I had to design many different designs for the logo which can be seen in my Logo development post, Then one lesson we did a task to do with cross stitching which involved us using loads of x's to make up a image or a logo.

    Packaging experiments