Monday 5 December 2011

sweet anaylis


This logo “jelly belly” is one of the most successful logos of its time and of its one of it best for what market it is in, in being sweets and jelly beans.
This logo if you look at more closely has a shape of a jelly bean which when you look at it at first you wouldn’t think any different to the logo but when looked at in a more understanding way you start to see it
The font Jelly belly which is the companys name is done in a very childish way so to say which is why I would say that this logo is more to children thatn adults.Also with this candy type products are more fore kids any way so that’s why \i would also say it is aimed at children.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

advertisment sweets

Logo analysis

This is a in depth analysis of the logo for the very famous "Cadbury" company.A long with the analysis I will be going into some detail on the logos history and why they called it cadbury, where did the name come from? and so on.

The company was first founded in 1824 which makes this company nearly 200 years old.The company is called Cadbury of course because of the man that founded the company back in 1824, his name was John cadbury the man who started this amazing company which is now a billion pound industry 

The Logo

The logo is a very simple logo all it is really is the name being" Cadbury" and then a very nice oval shape,and the colour of it is purple simply because most of the products sold from cadbury have a purple packeting like cadburys most famous product "dairy milk".But other all this logo is simply one of the best sweet/choclate logos around in todays mordern socity 

Wednesday 16 November 2011

.This logo is one of my favioute as it uses the actural sweets that it sells  such as lollys normal hard sweets , and many other objects that look like or are sweets for that mater.
The actural font being “swirleeze” and “we love sweets” goes well with the actural logo being the sweets.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :Photogram

Unit 1, Typographic poster project : Hee bok lee

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :Si scott example

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :Final developments

This is my final developments on three many ideas that I really liked, The burger idea, the banana idea and the zebra crossing idea.As you will see I dont contnie with the zebra crossing but do with the other two.

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :Great developments

This is basically my first bunch of ideas that I thought of for this project, as you can they are a bit random to be honest but their are some very good ideas that i brought forward and developed as you will see on my blog under Final developments.

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :Photogram

Unit 1, Typography poster project : Oscar Wilson

This is my attempy at trying different methods of typography such as different objects and different cut outs of the shape in being a sombrero.In it are different words that relate to mexico such as, mexico nachos, hot, amego and many more different words that have be repeated many times to give it a better effect

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :Final poster

This is my final poster, It is a burger as you can see which has many layers of what a burger would be made of such as,A bun lettice, tomato, meat and of course cheese. cheese.
This is such a simple idea but yet the most simple of designs can have the greatist effect which is what this poster does when I look at it.

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :More developments

This is my final idea but not my final poster.I did some very clear changes to the one simple
banana to one banana being opened.The words in it are a bit random but yet make sense the the work its self in being a banana.Some of the words that i used are:
Banana, skin, peel me, oi oi, More skin.These words are all a bit random but makes the peace look good and makes it more appeling 

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :Developments

This is my final developments on my final poster idea of the banana idea.With this being my first banana it looked very well done as all it really is, is a banana shape and it saying inside the banana "This is a banana eat it".For this posters meaning it is basically promoting to eat healthy and eat your five a day.

Unit 1, Typographic poster project :Developments

This is my final developments on my burger
idea for my final poster.This is such a simple but yet an affective idea.All it is, is a simple burger shape with many different things that go in a burger such as, meat, cheese  and tomato's.